shipping batteries by air

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Shipping Batteries By Air Freight

We provide many air routes shipping batteries by air from China to all over the world. China to the U.S.A, China to the Europe shipping lithium batteries by air,shipping button batteries by air, shipping dry batteries by air, shipping power bank by air.

Shipping batteries by air packages requirement need label ROHS, each batteries need label one, and each carton needs label on onside.

Have you seen all the headlines lately about shipping lithium batteries by air ? How are you supposed to keep up with what’s compliant, and what isn’t?

Shipping batteries by air packages requirement need label ROHS, each batteries need label one, and each carton needs label on onside.

All lithium batteries will be prohibited as cargo on passenger air freight from China

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO, the United Nations agency that regulates the transport of dangerous goods aboard air freight, enacted a ban on transporting standalone lithium ion batteries as cargo on passenger air freight.

Since lithium batteries were already prohibited, the new regulation means that no lithium batteries, in any quantity or packaging, may be shipped as cargo on passenger air freight.

Can you still ship lithium batteries by air?

Batteries packed with or in equipment may still be shipped compliantly, subject to regulations. (Passengers may still transport their battery powered devices and spare batteries in their carry-on bags for now. And all lithium batteries may still be transported on cargo-only aircraft, subject to regulations. However, you need to be aware that airlines may have variations in place even though the regulations don’t prohibit them on cargo air freight.

Shipping Batteries Overpack Restrictions

ICAO has also mandated that; lithium batteries can only be shipped by air with a state of charge 30% or less. In addition, shippers will be not being authorized to transport more than one package of lithium ion batteries prepared in accordance with packing instruction 965 or 968 Section II per consignment. “A shipper is not permitted to offer for transport more than one package prepared according to Section II in any single consignment. A consignment is defined as:” One or more packages of dangerous goods accepted by an operator from one shipper at one time and at one address, receipted for in one lot and moving to one consignee at one destination address.

No more than one Section II lithium battery package may be placed into an overpack.

Section II packages may not be offered in a unit load device and must be offered separately from other non-dangerous cargo.

So, if you must ship lithium batteries by air which are not packed with equipment, you’ll have to:

Ship them by cargo air freight only (if the airline hasn’t filed a variation or implemented an embargo)

Ensure they are at a state of charge no more than 30% of capacity

Pack them separately from everything else

How to verift the state before shipping batteries by air

How will shippers verify the state of charge of prepackaged batteries? How can you manage the more restrictive packing rules? These reports that everything you know about lithium battery shipping may change.

In addition, shippers will not be authorized to transport more than one package of lithium batteries prepared in accordance with packing instruction 965 or 968 Section II per consignment.

When shipping batteries by air, You should be aware that there is significant confusion amongst shippers and airlines relative to the definition of a consignment. Some airlines will interpret this more liberally than others because any package can be handled by airline personnel and documented according to one air waybill as a single consignment.

